08 November | The Pandemic Warriors
18th July | Resilient Communities Segment
18th July | Annual Reflection Workshop 2022
24th June | Participants receive PFA certificates
20th June | 11,339 Calls Made By Empower Pacific To COVID-19 Affected
27th May | Calls made for parents to notice signs and symptoms of mental stress in their children
25th May | PFA Training a Boost for Villagers
20th May | 24 Government officials now certified Psychological First Aiders
19th May | ‘Many who need help, do not seek it’
19th May | Battle in the Mind
12th May | Mental Health Stigma
6th May | Seek Mental Health Support
20th April | Training Helps Boost Parenting Skills
21st March | Reaching out – Taking public services to your doorstep
19th March | Breaking The Silence
11th March | Kindness Matters
28th January | 5401 Fijians seek assistance
28th January | Need for Mental Health Support
19th January | Assistance for those affected: Empower Pacific